PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk (herein referred the Company) as a public company under Indonesian Law, the Company is obliged to protect the rights of all shareholders. One of practice to reach that is by implementing Blackout Period Policy for Transaction of SMSM Shares to prevent Insider Trading.

The aim of Blackout Period Policy, among others is to assist Company Personnel (Board, Top Executives, and Related Employees) in complying with their obligation during the prohibited trading periods where there is a heightened risk or perception that employees, contractors, officers, Directors or Commissioners of the Company, or any of its subsidiaries are in a position to trade while in the possession of material non-public information. The trading restrictions contained in this policy also apply to a covered individual's spouse, minor children, adult family members sharing the same household, or any other individual over whom such person exercises substantial control over his or her securities trading decisions.

This Policy is an extension and elaborated version of stipulations under the Company’s Code of Conduct.

Blackout Period Policy