



- - Iftar and donation for orphans at Kadu Jaya Village, Curug, Tangerang. Cattle donation during the Eid al Adha Festivities.
Donation for a Christmas Event at Beth Eden Pentecostal Church, Central Jakarta.





Renovation of the function room and the creation of toilet facilities for Islamic boarding school in Babakan Village, Tenjo in the outskirts of Bogor. - Donation for the building repair, toilet facilities and interior installation of Military District Command Headquarters in Tigaraksa Regional Government Complex, Tangerang, Banten. Cattle donation during the Eid al Adha Festivities.
Iftar and donation for orphans at Kadu Jaya Village, Curug, Tangerang. Donation for a Christmas Event at Beth Eden Pentecostal Church, Central Jakarta.
Donation of providing fogging machines for the surrounding community in Kadu Village and Kadu Jaya Village, Curug, Tangerang.
Donation program of the social security protection for informal workers is vulnerable to Indonesia's socioeconomic risks in Tangerang Regency.
Donation and installation of Air Conditioner (AC) for Curug Police Station, Tangerang, Banten.
Installation of clean water and street lighting using solar cell panel in Cipunglu Village, Maraya, Lebak, Banten.





- Booster Vaccination for the Company's employees in Tangerang, in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross. Donation of waiting chairs for patient in the Curug Health Center. Cattle donation during the Eid al Adha Festivities.
Regular blood donor program, in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross. Donation of 30,000 masks to the Buddhist Temple which is located in Java Island and the volcanic eruption disaster in Mt. Semeru, East Java. Donation for a Christmas Event at Beth Eden Pentecostal Church, Central Jakarta.
Donation of Concrete material for road construction in Kadu Jaya Village, Tangerang.
Donation of three-wheeled motorbikes and fogging machines for the surrounding community in Kadu Jaya Village, Curug, Tangerang.





The development of Soft skills of children at the level of Kindergarten and Elementary School at Tunda Island, through educational games. Donation of Vitamin for Tri Asih Foundation, West Jakarta. Community empowerment through the provision of fish cracker making tools and socialization of how to make fish crackers and their marketing system, to communities located outside Tunda Island. -
Convalescent plasma donor program by employees as COVID-19 survivors and regular blood donor program, in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross.





- Regular blood donor program, in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross. Donation of artificial limbs for Company’s Employee in Tangerang. Cattle donation during the Eid al Adha Festivities.
Fogging in surrounding community environment, Tangerang area. Campaign of “buy a food” for 603 of online drivers (ride-hailing drivers) which is at the same time also helped "street stall merchants" across Greater Jakarta and its neighboring cities for period 25, 28 - 29 March 2020. Donation for a Christmas Event at Beth Eden Pentecostal Church, Central Jakarta.
Donation of 1800 KN95 Face Mask and 200.000 Face Mask through The National Disaster Relief Agency (BNPB). Campaign of “buy a food” for 539 of online drivers (ride-hailing drivers) which is at the same time also helped "street stall merchants" across Greater Jakarta and its neighboring cities for period 04 - 05 April 2020.
Campaign of “buy a food” for 633 of online drivers (ride-hailing drivers) which is at the same time also helped "street stall merchants" across Greater Jakarta and its neighboring cities for period 10 - 12 April 2020.
Campaign of “buy a food” for 503 of online drivers (ride-hailing drivers) which is at the same time also helped "street stall merchants" across Greater Jakarta and its neighboring cities for period 18 - 19 April 2020.
Campaign of “buy a food” for 496 of online drivers (ride-hailing drivers) which is at the same time also helped "street stall merchants" across Greater Jakarta and its neighboring cities for period 25 - 26 April 2020.
Campaign of “buy a food” for 782 of online drivers (ride-hailing drivers) which is at the same time also helped "street stall merchants" across Greater Jakarta and its neighboring cities for period 01 - 03 May 2020.
Campaign of “buy a food” for 912 of online drivers (ride-hailing drivers) which is at the same time also helped "street stall merchants" across Greater Jakarta and its neighboring cities for period 07, 09 - 10 May 2020.
Donations of 200 packages of basic necessities for the communities neighboring the Company's Factory which is located at Kapuk Kamal, Jakarta.
Donations of 140 packages of basic necessities for Public Facility Maintenance Officer (PPSU) - known as "the orange troops" which is located at Kapuk Kamal, Jakarta.
Donations of 157 packages of basic necessities for the communities neighboring Tanah Pasir which is located at Rawa Bebek, Jakarta.





Scholarship for the employee's children. Regular blood donor program, in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross. Installation of solar cell light at 10 points scattered in the Neglasari Village, Darmaraja, Sumedang. Cattle donation during the Eid al Adha Festivities.
Donation 50 sets of desk and chairs as a school facilities and educational toys for PAUD Manunggal Putra Buana, Cipunglu Village, Maraya, Lebak, Banten. Construction of toilets facilities and clean water facilities for the local community of Cirendeu Village, Lebak, Banten. Donations of basic necessities for the citizens of Cirendeu Village, Lebak, Banten. Donation of set of Muslim prayer tools for Ibnu Jahid Islamic Boarding school building at Cirendeu Village, Lebak, Banten.
Building renovation and donation of stationery, other school supplies for PAUD, SDN 3 Gunung Kendeng, and Ibnu Jahid islamic boarding school at Cirendeu Village, Lebak, Banten. Construction and installation of 1.070 meters water pipe as well as provide water tank for 5.000 liters capacity in Cipunglu Village, Maraya, Lebak, Banten. Solar cell panel for street lighting on Tunda Island. Donation for a Christmas Event at Beth Eden Pentecostal Church, Central Jakarta.
Educational Program (Melek IT) at Pintu Elok Orphanage, Pamulang - Tangerang. Installation of pump for clean water at SDN 3 Gunung Kendeng and Ibnu Jahid Islamic Boarding School, Cirendeu Village, Lebak, Banten. Donation of artificial limbs for people with disabilities in Tangerang.
Renovation of school facilities and The Sanitation Counseling activity at SDN Batok 04, Cilejet, Batok Village, Tenjo District, Bogor - Jawa Barat. Construction of artesian well at Kedung Dalam village, Mauk, Tangerang.
Donation of eyeglasses for 131 elementary students in 4 schools located in Bitung, Tangerang. The sanitation counseling activity by giving 200 garbage containers and healthy lifestyles counseling in Al-Mubtadin Kindergarten, Legok, Banten.





Construction of educational facilities and donation of children education necessities in Sampalan, Cicareuh Village, Cikidang sub-district, Sukabumi. Regular blood donor program, held with the Indonesian Red Cross Donation for the victims of earthquake in Lombok and its surroundings (West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Indonesia) through the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and Yayasan Media Group Cattle donation during the Idul Addha Festivities
Rejuvenation of the playground, improvement of sports fields, dan facilities construction of toilets at Pertiwi Kindergarden School, Curug. Fogging in surrounding community environment Sanitation construction of lavatory such as public bathing place, washing facilities and latrines in Cikored, Cimenyan sub-district, Bandung, West Java. Donation for a Christmas Event at Beth Eden Pentecostal Church, Central Jakarta.
Rejuvenation of the playground and the construction of toilet facilities in PAUD Ulul Azmi, Curug. Fogging Activities at School and Punna Karya Temple Donation of making of water storage wells and Clean Water Pipeline facilities in Cikoneng Village, Java Barat.
Mass circumcision at Telukgong and Rawa Bebek. Donation of providing temporary latrine for displaced people victim of earthquake, hygiene kits, health facilities, and trauma healing activities at Lombok.
Rejuvenation of Library and equipment of PAUD schools in Cilegon, Banten. Donation of supporting facilities (sewing machines, cup sealer machines, trees and peking ducks) to support community economic empowerment in Rajeg, Banten.
Sightseeing to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) together with children from the Pondok Anak Bangsa Foundation to commemorate the Indonesian Heroes Day on 10th November 2018. Rejuvenation and improvement of facilities (house roof building, wall painting and donation of mattresses) Terbit Kasih Bangsa Foundation for People with Mental Disorders in Tangerang, Banten.
Donation for the victims of earthquake and tsunami in Palu and Donggala, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia through Indonesia Stock Exchange.





Improvement of Sports Facilities at Immanuel Primary School Sponsorship for "Tournament Tennis Bougenville Open IV 2017" Donation of Basic Necessities and Eyeglasses to Vincentius Putri Orphanage Cattle donation during the Idul Addha Festivities
Improvement of educational facilities at Desa Simpak. Bogor Regular blood donor program, held with the Indonesian Red Cross Donation of basic necessities to Shiva Mandir (Hindu Temple) at Pluit ,Jakarta Religion Cattle donation to Mutiara Hati School
Improvement of educational facilities and donation of education necessities to Jendela Jakarta Community Providing Free Healthcare for over 600 people living at Desa Simpak Bogor Installation of clean water by building drilling wells at Simpak Village, Bogor which is one of the village’s primary needs
Providing Free Healthcare for over 560 people around Candra Naya School, at Jembatan Besi in collaboration with Tzu Chi Foundation Donation of basic and Children necessities to Desa Simpak Bogor
Donation Therapy kit Support for Children with special needs to the Rumah Autis Karawang Foundation
Donation of basic necessities to Toddler Tunas Bangsa Orphanage





Sponsorship for Dies Natalis Activity of FE UNPAR 61st Anniversary Donation For Thalassaemia Indonesia Foundation Donation and provision of basic necessities to nursing homes "Mekar Lestari" located at Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang. Donation for Construction of church in Bekasi
Sponsorship for education programs to Kidzania Learning Center which are focused on children in improverished areas around Cilincing. Sponsorship for "Tournament Tennis Bougenville Open 2016" Donation and provision of basic necessities to social homes "Bina Laras" at Cengkareng, Jakarta Participation for Christmas 2016 & New Year 2017 celebration at Gereja Pantekosta "BETH EDEN", Jakarta
Foster Care Scholarship Program to ASAK STEMA Paroki Pluit Stella Maris Regular blood donor program, held with the Indonesian Red Cross, which was able to collect 202 blood bags. Providing lunch boxes for homeless individuals at Grogol, Jakarta Participation for Christmas 2016 at Gereja " ST Matias Rasul", Kosambi Baru
Improvement of educational facilities at Imanuel Kindergarten & Primary School located at Kosambi, Tangerang Fogging in surrounding Vihara Curug, Tangerang Donation of basic necessities and recreation to Jungleland with Children of Talenta Kasih's Social Homes, Jakarta Cattle donation during the Idul Addha Festivities
Donating books to libraries around Indonesia through the nonprofit 1001 Buku Community Fogging in surrounding factory settlement On February , Juni, & Oktober 2016 Donation of basic necessities and inviting children with special needs from Yayasan Graha Murni Luhur to venture to Ocean Dream Ancol to give experience and knowledge about the biodiversity of the Indonesian ocean. Cattle donation during the Idul Addha Festivities
Scholarship for the employee's children Sponsorship for "Tournament Tennis Bougenville Open IV 2017" Providing dinner boxes for homeless individuals surrounding Jakarta
Sponsorship for "Tournament Tennis Bougenville Open IV 2017" Recreation to Dunia Fantasi with Children of Foundation Benih Kebajikan Nusantara Al Hasyim
Regular blood donor program, held with the Indonesian Red Cross, Donation for Social Homes Amanah As-sodiqqiyah , Tangerang
Donation for Panti Werdha Bina Bhakti, Serpong
Donation to Bhakti Luhur Foundation





Scholarship for the employee's children Blood Donation Activity in March, Mei, June, October and November 2015 Donation for Panti Werdha Santa Anna Teluk Gong, Jakarta Utara Cattle donation during the Idul Addha Festivities
Fogging in surrounding factory settlement On February 2015 and August 2015 Donation For Indonesian Cancer Foundation
Donation to Sayap Ilmu for Indonesian Teaching Programs to Children's Florest





Scholarship for the employee's children Fogging in surrounding factory settlement Donation for Sinabung Victims and Staff who need assistance through ADR Charity Cattle donation during the Idul Addha Festivities
Blood Donation Activity in January, April, September, and December Donation For UNICEF Program 2014





Scholarship for the employee's children Fogging in surrounding factory settlement Donation for Sinabung Victims and Staff who need assistance through ADR Charity Cattle donation during the Idul Addha Festivities
Blood Donation Activity in January, April, Agustus, and October Social Donation at GKK Institution, Rawa Bogor Donation for the construction of Masjid JAMI AR-ROHMAH-Cisereh at Desa Kadujaya
Seminar & Free Medical Check up for Society around KaduJaya Village Donation For UNICEF Program 2013





Computer Donation to Kelurahan Fogging in surrounding factory Social Donation at Rehabilitation Citra Bhakti Luhur Citra Raya- Tangerang Cattle donation during the Idul Addha Festivities
Scholarship for the employees’ children Blood Donation Activity in April, July, and October Donation For UNICEF Program 2012





Computer Donation to Elementary School - SDN Kadujaya and SDN Kadujaya 2 Free public medical services in Desa Kadujaya (Tangerang) and Kapuk Basic Needs Donation for AL Khoirat-Cikupa Orphanage and SOS Desa Taruna Cattle donation during the Idul Addha Festivities
Scholarship for the employees’ children Fogging in surrounding factory settlement Social Donation at Guna Nanda Orphanage
Donation and installation of fancing school Blood Donation Activity in March, June, September, and December
Renovation of computer laboratory room in SDN Kadujaya (Installations trails and Proof Repairs)