Striving to improve quality does not rest upon attaining accreditations or implementing any quality system alone. Quality is a "state of mind" or "conscience" that is instilled within the whole group covering management and all employees. With an emphasis on continuous training to upgrade the awareness of using Quality Management System as the underlying management tool, we believe we should be first amongst our equals in the industry. Periodic examination of ourselves internally and by external inputs would help us improve our processes that would lead to better products, better delivery, lower costs and better services to our customers.
Employing these continuous self improvement policies, combined with modern equipment and the latest technologies, our production centers are capable of producing products that are acceptable as OEM/OES for major Japanese, American and European applications.
At PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk we bring talented workforce and implement stringent quality control at every stage of production. All components undergo a comprehensive quality test to ensure high performance and to achieve a tight defect tolerance.
Accreditation of ISO/TS 16949:2002 is consistent to our quality awareness and the outcome can be seen in our products that are consistently high quality.