Based on the Financial Services Authority Circular Letter No.32/SEOJK.04/2015 concerning Guidelines for Public Company Governance, PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk (hereinafter referred to as the Company) as an issuer is required to have provisions regarding anti-corruption policies. The Company committed and compliant with the provisions of the applicable legislation and support the Government of Indonesia in eradicating corruption. Therefore, the Company establishes Anti-Briberry, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering Policy (hereinafter refferd to as Policy) that applies in the Company environment involving all employees, business partners and government agencies related to the Company.

This Policy is a derivative policy of the Company’s Code of Ethics which is a guide to know, recognize and response to actions that can be considered and/or categorized as bribery, corruption, and/or money laundering.

Anti-Bribery, Anti-Corruption & Anti-Money Laundering Policy