PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk (herein after reffered as “the Company”) which is operating in the manufacturer of component parts, realizes that in carrying out its operational activities, the Company has to fulfil several obligations to the government, including tax payment and reporting to both central and regional governments in accordance with applicable tax regulations. The compliance, managing and controlling of tax aspects is one of the most critical pillars for ensuring long-term viability and shareholder trust. As a business entity, the Company is responsible for adhering to complex tax regulations. By taking a targeted approach, the Company can ensure both operational reliability and legal compliance.

The Company manages and controls tax matters by establishing sufficient governance framework, from enacting clear tax policies and procedures, as well as providing guidance on tax reporting, tax obligations and tax risk mitigation. The Company also benefits from the implementation of an integrated tax information technology system, which enables the Company to manage financial data more efficiently. This system enables accurate tax recording and reporting while also ensuring the Company’s consistency and adherence to tax regulations and applicable recording rules and regulations.

Taxation Governance Policy reflects the commitment of PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk as a corporate taxpayer is committed to fulfilling tax obligations, applies tax principles to realize tax management effectively and efficiently, and is always in line with the provisions of applicable tax laws.

Taxation Policy