Referring to Announcement of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) No. Peng-00022/BEI.POP/01-2023 dated 27 January 2023, PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk (SMSM) remains part of the IDX SMC Composite Index for the period of 3 February to 2 August 2023.
Short brief about IDX SMC Composite Index
On December 21, 2017, IDX issued the IDX SMC Composite Index, which is an index that measures the stock price performance of listed stocks that have small and medium market capitalization with a value between IDR 1 - 50 trillion.
The IDX SMC Composite Index can be used to observe fundamental aspects of finance, business continuity and of course also by considering the transaction value, free float and stock price.
The IDX SMC Composite Index calculation method uses the Capped Free-Float Adjusted Market Capitalization Weighted Average. This index uses the free float market capitalization as the weight by imposing a capping on a stock in the highest index of 9% at the time of evaluation. IDX sets the base date for the IDX SMC Composite Index on January 30, 2009 with a base value of 100.
IDX will conduct 2 types of periodic evaluations of the IDX SMC Composite Index, which are Major Evaluations which include evaluations of constituents and readjustments to the weight of stocks in the index. Next is the Minor Evaluation which only includes a readjustment of the weight of stocks in the index. Major Evaluation of the IDX SMC Composite Index will be conducted at the end of January and July, which will be effective every third Exchange Day in February and August. Minor evaluations for the index are carried out at the end of April and October, which will then be effective every third Exchange Day in May and November.